
November 8, 2010

Seasons of Music

     One of the things I look forward to each Fall is listening to jazz music.  I started thinking about this, and realized that each season has its own genre.  Here's the way I like it:
  • Early Fall - fast jazz, like Keith Jarrett
  • Late Fall (towards Thanksgiving) - Slow jazz, such as Vince Guaraldi
  • Immediately following Thanksgiving - slow Christmas jazz (see above composer)
  • Early December - it switches to completely Christmas music of any sort!  I love this part!
  • After Christmas - instrumentals of the same style
  • Late Winter - classical and Big Band.  Maybe some opera (not that I understand what they're saying...)
  • Spring - some classical, some Big Band, some 60's, like Peter, Paul and Mary
  • Summer - Anything goes! Fun Indie songs, or songs in different languages are good here (excepting the Czechoslovakian polka.  That doesn't fit in anywhere).  
Rinse and repeat.  

I think Sovereign Grace music is good at any time, as are Keith Green's songs. 

That's how I like it.  You?


  1. Ha, quiet is the way I live too, but if my siblings play music, this is what I want them to play. :)
