I've had this idea brewing for a little while now, and am going to start. Each of the twelve days before Christmas, I'm going to post something Christmas-y. One, two, three, four, etc. things each day, whether recipes, places to visit, Christmas books, gift ideas - you get the picture. If you'd like to join me, leave a comment, and I'll link to your blog at the end of each post, so that we can share one another's Christmas ideas!
We'll start Monday the 13th and end on Friday the 24th.
Hi Kara!
ReplyDeleteThis is Sarah, from FlameintheDarkness.com, and we'd love to get in on the fun!!
Great idea!
Wonderful! I'm hoping to make a little button for the event that you can put on your blog if you'd like, but still need to figure that out. I'll keep you posted!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds fun; I'll try it.
ReplyDeleteHurrah! Thanks awfully. :)